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TDD – a great clash of Test Driven Development

TDD – a great clash of Test Driven Development

Couple weeks ago, our backend developer Michał, had a chance to participate in “Magento Test Driven Development” training ( TDD training with Magento). He decided to use his  knowledge, gained during the three day workshop, and share it with our development Team.

Last Friday, Michał led the first part of training course entitled “TDD- First clash”. The main goal was to demonstrate techniques for creating a software using Test Driven Development. In the beginning, each participant met the idea and procedure of TDD usage.

During the four hour workshop, TDD was approach on a practical example. Every developer was following Michał step by step, practising on his/her own computer. They started on the PhpStorm configuration (IDE to build web applications), then agreed algorithm, analyzed the tasks and continue their tasks.

The first part of training  was devoted to analyze a simple example, which was intended to familiarize the team with TDD. But it’s just the beginning. Michał is planning the next part of the training soon, where developers will be creating a module for Magento using Test Driven Development. That’s the great chance to gain experience and knowledge. Can’t wait!


Michał leading his training


Whole Team focused on the presentation

img TDD

 Whole Team performing the tasks

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