Sometimes you need to reorganize your category tree in Magento. For example, if you’ve got 10,000 categories and over twice as many products, then every time you move a category, you need to wait for ages. Don’t you?
Why moving categories takes so much time in Magento? That’s because each time it has to re-index your data. In order not to wait for Magento to end the process (every time you drag and drop a category), there is a really simple trick. Let me show you how to move categories quicker in Magento:
Navigate to System → Index Management
Select ‘Category URL Rewrites‘ checkbox.
From Action drop- down list select ‘Change Index Mode‘ and set Index mode to ‘Manually Update‘ .
Click on ‘Submit‘ button.
So, when you need to reorganize your categories in, you can do it this way:
5. Head to Catalog → Manage Categories and reorder you category tree as you like.
6. Go back to Index Management and re-index ‘Catalog URL Rewrites’.
This time you will need to wait for Magento to complete the task. Just be patient.
7. Set re-index mode back to ‘Update on Save‘ and you are done.
Congratulation! You’ve saved yourself a lot of time.